Did You Know

The Best and Worst Candy for Your Teeth

As far as sugary candy goes, the best choices for your teeth are the ones that don’t stick around for too long in your mouth. Selections like smarties and york peppermint patties are good examples. Even near-pure sugar, like pixie sticks are easy for your saliva to rinse away after you are done enjoying them. […]

Cheek Biting: Do You Have a Problem?

Every so often, everyone bites down on the inside of their own cheeks. When it happens, some people wonder if they may have a problem. Could there be something wrong with their teeth? Fortunately, the answer is generally simple. Biting your cheek is normal, even when you have straight, healthy teeth. The problem is that, […]

The Effects of Stress On Your Mouth

Stress can take its toll on your entire body, and your mouth is no exception. This is why our Lynnwood dentistry clinic advises that you make a little room in your life for rest and relaxation, for the sake of your oral health. The potential effects of stress on your mouth include all of the […]

Crown Problems

If you have a crown, it may occasionally give you problems. This can come from an improper fitting, decay, or simple wear and tear on the cement that holds your crown in place. Most crown problems are reasonably easy to remedy, but you will want to bring them to our Lynnwood dentistry clinic as quickly […]

What Causes TMD’s?

A TMJ disorder represents any kind of problem with the temporomandibular joint.  In simple terms, it’s a problem with the joint of your jaw or the muscles that manipulate it.  The cause of any individual TMJ disorder is frequently unclear, but our Lynnwood dental clinic advises you to be on the lookout for the following […]

Caring for Teeth While Wearing Braces

Braces can make your normal tooth care routine difficult. Wire braces offer food and bacteria more places to hide from your brushing, making brushing and flossing all the more essential. Your orthodontist should provide you with a special flosser to use around your braces if you need it. You may also want to schedule more […]

The Dangers of Mouth-Breathing

Do you have a child who habitually breathes through his or her mouth? This is fairly common. About half of all children under the age of eight do some degree of mouth-breathing. If he or she hasn’t grown out of the habit by the age of eight, though, it might be wise to bring this […]

Protect Your Baby from Bottle Mouth!

Our Lynnwood dental center wants your little ones to get a good start on their teeth, and there are few greater threats to an infant’s oral health than bottle mouth. The good news is that it’s an easy enough condition to avoid, if you’re aware of it, so simply follow these easy guidelines and you’ll […]